NFL Sunday: What Did We Learn?

Finally… the NFL season has come back to a television set near you! There is nothing like the atmosphere of opening week in the NFL. I’m pretty sure Roger Goodell is the happiest person that the regular season has started (everybody’s attention is focused on football and not legal issues). We saw rookies making their NFL debuts. We witnessed incredible finishes. We even had a Johnny Manziel sighting! Even though we have a double-header for Monday Night Football tonight (I wished they did a couple more of those a year), we learned quite a bit on Sunday.

Romo Still Magical

If you watched the primetime Sunday Night Football game, you’ve witnessed something special. Everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) was going the Giants way. How does Tony Romo and the Cowboys respond to unfortunate interceptions, unexplainable penalties, and their best player going down (Dez Bryant out 4 to 6 weeks, possibly longer, with broken bone in foot)? They took advantage of every opportunity in the final few minutes of the game. The Giants have played a great game until their final drive. Poor clock management was their downfall. Here’ a clip or the Cowboy’s Game Winning Drive.

Tyrod Taylor Might Be The Answer

Coming into this game we knew that Buffalo’s defense was borderline elite (Adding Rex Ryan to an already respectable defense just pushed them into that category), but there were still question marks on offense. Granted, they did trade for a top-tier RB in LeSean McCoy, there was uncertainty wish the quarterback position. Taylor completed 14 of 19 passes for 195 yards and a TD. He also ran for 41 yards on 9 carries. The most impressive play came at end of the first quarter; 51 yard TD bomb to Percy Harvin.

Tennessee’s Future Is Bright

The Number One and Two overall picks squared off yesterday featuring Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota. The Titans routed the Bucs 42-14, led by a 4 TD performance by Mariota. The Bucs defense was supposed to help out Winston, but… they were nonexistent. Winston struggled going 16 of 33 for 210 yards, including 2 TD’s and 2 interceptions. I believe Jameis Winston will be fine eventually (He was missing his number one target Mike Evans). Titans fans should be excited from what they saw from their newly franchise quarterback.

Chicago Looked Respectable

A lot of people expected Green Bay to run away with this game just like they have done in the past. Yeah… that didn’t happen. Chicago converted their 3rd downs, Matt Forte was an animal running the ball, and Jay Cutler actually played a decent game. Even though he threw one interception in a crucial point of the game, he made the right read (Clay Matthew’s defense was perfect on that play). Green Bay’s talent catapulted them ahead in the second half, and they never looked back. Bringing back James Jones was huge, but you did see moments where they missed Jordy Nelson and will continue to do so.

Baltimore Needs Help

It’s bad enough that I feel like Joe Flacco is the most inconsistent quarterback in the NFL, and the bad side showed yesterday (117 yards passing, 0 touchdowns, and 2 interceptions). Denver’s defense doesn’t get enough credit. They are a borderline, top-tier defense in league, in my opinion. Baltimore NEEDS a number 2 receiver in the most desperate way. Maybe their rookie Breshad Perriman will be the answer whenever he gets healthy. Until then, their offense is going to struggle. OH…. just one more important detail: Terrell Suggs was carted off the field in the 4th quarter with an Achilles injury (Out for season).

Seattle Misses Kam Chancellor

Seattle’s hardball approach of not paying Kam Chancellor is starting to backfire. The “Legion Of Boom” didn’t look spectacular by any means allowing 297 passing yards and 2 TD’s to a mediocre quarterback by league’s standards. The Rams defense looked more dominant throughout the game than the Chancellor-less secondary of the Seahawks. Most importantly, Seattle is currently last in their division after Sunday’s loss. If Chancellor doesn’t come back, this division could have a new champion in December. I know it’s only the first week of the season but divisional games matter the most in the regular season. Their next opponent is Green Bay.


The Come Up


Three of my brothers from another mother have a podcast called “The Come Up”, where they talk about relevant topics to our everyday lives. I was asked to be on the recent episode. This past week topic was College Athletes Need A Check Too! which was based on my previous post about college sports and slavery. Every month, I will be featured on their show for sports topics and debates. I feel very honored and blessed for this opportunity to continue what I love to do.

Please check out the podcast from this past week! (Link is above).

Also, check out The Come Up YouTube Channel and The Come Up Facebook Page!

Big ups to my bros!
